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Lab ID

Benvenuti nel nostro canale di segnalazione.
LAB-ID intende promuovere una cultura aziendale, caratterizzata dall'integrità, il rispetto reciproco e la leale collaborazione, che prevenga la commissione di illeciti, garantendo ai dipendenti, collaboratori e fornitori un ambiente sereno e sicuro ove poter effettuare segnalazioni di eventuali condotte illecite.

Per questo motivo, LAB-ID ha scelto di adottare una piattaforma dedicata per ricevere le segnalazioni di comportamenti illeciti.
La Direttiva UE 2019/1937 è stata adottata dall'unione Europea per promuovere e armonizzare la protezione dei cd. "segnalatori" di irregolarità ascrivibili ad una società.

La presente policy ha lo scopo di definire un adeguato canale di comunicazione per la ricezione e la gestione delle segnalazioni, conformemente al quadro normativo e nel rispetto delle norme a tutela della protezione dei dati personali (D.Lgs. n. 196/2003 e Regolamento EU 2016/679).

Le presenti policies si applicano a tutti i dipendenti, collaboratori e fornitori di LAB-ID, che, pur essendo soggetti esterni alla società, opera con e per conto di LAB-ID.

Informativa Sistema Whistleblowing

Informativa sul trattamento dei Dati Personali

Procedura per le segnalazioni

LAB ID S.r.l is committed to the protection of the personal data entrusted to it. Therefore, their management and security are guaranteed with the utmost care, in compliance with the requirements of privacy legislation (e.g., EU Regulation 2016/679).

This information explains who we are, for what purposes we may use your data, how we manage them, to whom they may be disclosed (e.g., user companies LAB ID S.r.l, consulting companies, etc..), where they may be transferred and what are your rights.

Your data will be processed by LAB ID S.r.l in Italy, with registered office in Via Vittor Pisani,20 20124 Milan. You can contact us not only through the channels advertised on our company website but also through the dedicated email address privacy@lab-id.com

The list of external data processors is available at the headquarters of LAB ID S.r.l – Via Corticella 11/4 40013 Castel Maggiore (BO) Italy.

LAB ID S.r.l will use your data exclusively for the following purposes:
1.    Purposes related to the management of the contractual relationship aimed at the selection of personnel for recruitment purposes. Your personal data will be processed for:

  • carrying out the activity of research and selection of personnel with a view to the possible establishment of an employment relationship, also for any positions other than those for which you have spontaneously applied; management of applications in response to job offers published on our website and on the websites of the companies we appoint for prospective personnel selection; with your consent we may acquire references from the subjects you have indicated;
  • purposes related to the establishment, management and termination of the contractual relationship (e.g. fulfilment of accounting, pay, social security, welfare and tax obligations); use of specific permits, absences and benefits related to the management of the employment relationship; fulfilment of legal obligations and regulations (e.g. for the purposes of preventive medicine, occupational medicine, anti-terrorism checks, etc.); management of disputes; provision, support and updating of company training; activation of online services (e.g. attendance surveys);

2.    Purposes connected with marketing activities. With your specific consent, your common personal data will be processed for:

  • market research, economic analysis and statistics (e.g., telephone interviews relating to the commercial service provided);
  • social, cultural and solidarity initiatives;
  • commercial information;
  • updating on promotional and marketing initiatives;
  • sending of advertising/information/promotional material and updates on initiatives, promotions and offers of LAB ID S.r.l, and/or third-party companies that work in collaboration with LAB ID S.r.l, also in relation to programs and promotions, including online, aimed at rewarding or retaining candidates and applicants;
  • Communications and information about the activities of LAB ID Srl and events in which it participates.

3.    Purposes related to registration and image processing. With your explicit consent your data such as images, photos, audio, and video will be processed for the following purposes:

  • sending recordings, interviews to clients and/or entities potentially interested in your application;
  • promotional activities of LAB ID S.r.l.

4.    Accounting and administrative use. In order to fulfil the fiscal and management formalities you have requested. LAB ID S.r.l will carry out the processing:

  • based on your consent;
  • because it is necessary for the contractual fulfilments mentioned under point 1 (e.g., preparation and execution of the employment contract);
  • because it is necessary in order to fulfil the legal obligations, mentioned in point 1, to which we are subject (e.g., accounting obligations, payroll, social security, anti-terrorism controls);
  • because the processing is necessary to pursue a legitimate interest (e.g., protection and security of company assets, fraud prevention, safeguarding of strategic company interests and related business relationships, protection of company assets of client companies).
  • It follows that the provision of personal data is compulsory for the purposes set out in point 1.
  • With reference to purpose 4, the provision of data is compulsory for the normal performance of accounting-administrative and invoicing activities and any refusal to provide such data may result in the non-execution or partial execution of the contract.

Purposes 2 and 3 do not derive from a legal obligation and the conferment of the relative consents is optional.

Any partial or total failure to provide data will result in the partial or total impossibility of achieving the above purposes.

The extent and adequacy of the Data provided will be evaluated from time to time, in order to determine the consequent decisions and avoid the processing of Data exceeding the purposes pursued.

We will not use your personal data for purposes other than those described in this policy, unless we inform you in advance and, where necessary, obtain your consent

If you have decided to apply for a particular job offer and/or have decided to provide us with special data, LAB ID Srl will have to process and collect data for which the law requires your consent. In some cases, such data may be strictly necessary for the purposes of the selection process. In this case we would like to inform you that it will only be processed for the purposes mentioned under point 1.

LAB ID S.r.l. aims to protect the personal data that are entrusted to it, basing their treatment on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, and transparency. We inform you, therefore, that your personal data will be processed through the use of tools and procedures that guarantee maximum security and confidentiality, through archives and paper or digital media, the communications referred to in paragraph 2) may be made in the traditional way (e.g., paper mail, telephone calls with operator) and similar (e.g. fax, e-mail, SMS).

In any case, you are entitled to exercise your right of objection, which must be specifically referred to the type of processing you wish to eliminate; in the absence of your specific indication of the processing operation(s) to which you object, your request will refer to both traditional and automated communications.

Point 1 – Your personal data will be kept, starting from their receipt, or updating, for a maximum period of twenty-four months for the management of the application (unless otherwise provided for by law), after which they will be deleted or pseudonymized.

If, on the other hand, an employment relationship should be established with you, your personal data will be kept, starting from their receipt, for a reasonable period of time in relation to the processing purposes described above and, in any case, not exceeding 10 years for accounting and personnel administration purposes, after which they will be deleted or pseudonymised.

Point 2 – Your personal data will be kept, starting from their receipt, or updating, for a maximum period of eighteen months to allow us to manage our marketing activities towards you, after which they will be deleted or pseudonymized.

Point 3 – Your Personal Data will be kept for a maximum period of twelve months from their receipt to enable us to manage our recruitment activities in relation to you, after which they will be deleted.

Point 4 – Your personal data shall be kept, as from their receipt, for a period of time consistent with the processing purposes set out in point 4 and in any case not exceeding 10 years for accounting and administrative purposes, after which they shall be deleted or pseudonymized.

For the purposes mentioned in point 1, as part of the search and selection process and the management of your applications, your data may be shared with consultancy firms for the sole purpose of allowing them to verify the full correspondence of your profile with the position sought. Furthermore, we would like to inform you that your data may be disclosed to the offices/branches of LAB ID S.r.l. (in Italy and Europe) and its affiliates, recruitment agencies, public bodies, auditing or supervisory bodies, in order to comply with legal obligations, regulations, EU legislation or for aspects concerning the management and execution of the contractual relationship.

For the purposes referred to in points 2 and 3, the data may be disclosed to consulting companies with which LAB ID S.r.l has established regular contracts and professional assignments, public authority or third-party companies that work in collaboration with LAB ID S.r.l. A list of these companies is available for consultation at the headquarters in Castel Maggiore.

With reference to point 3 the data may also be published on the Internet (e.g., YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media as well as on websites) or in magazines, brochures and other advertising material.

The Data will also be processed by internal resources of the Company’s offices, formally appointed, and adequately trained, who act as authorized personnel for the processing of the Data.

We also inform you that in compliance with an international policy of LAB ID S.r.l all e-mails will be stored through an archiving system outsourced. Access to archived data may be carried out by public authorities and appointed system administrators, in the cases and manner prescribed by law, in case of legal disputes.

For all the purposes indicated in this informative report your data may be communicated abroad, in compliance with the rights and guarantees provided by the current legislation, upon verification that the country in question guarantees an “adequate” level of protection, or where LAB ID S.r.l has set up adequate contractual standards to protect your data.

In case your data is transferred outside the European Union, LAB ID S.r.l guarantees that LAB ID S.r.l will sign appropriate contracts that regulate the processing of such data in accordance with the regulations in force within the European Union, thus equalizing the guarantees towards the data subjects.

At any time, you have the right to request:

  • access to your personal data
  • their rectification in the event of their inaccuracy
  • their cancellation
  • limitation of their processing.

You will also have:

  • the right to object to their processing:
  • if processed for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of LAB ID Srl;
  • if processed for direct marketing purposes;
    •    the right to their portability, i.e., to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the personal data you have provided.

We will take care of your request with the utmost commitment to ensure the effective exercise of your rights and we will respond to your request in a reasonable time. Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority (Garante Privacy).

Yes, you may revoke your consent at any time, but this may not:
•    affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before revocation;
•    affect further processing of the same data based on other legal bases (for example, contractual obligations or legal obligations to which Lab-Id Srl is subject).

For further information on this policy or on any privacy issue, or if you wish to exercise your rights or revoke your consent, you can contact us directly at the references indicated in the section “Who will process my data”.